Friday, March 16, 2012

Popcorn anyone?

At the end of the day I am just about ready to throw in the towel. You with me? My body is tired but my mind still wonders..about what you might ask...Family! After a full day at work I am ready to head home and be with my family just like everyone else. Yesterday was a little different. As I walked out of the bank I noticed my tire was nearly flat. AAH!  There was no way I could make it home with out filling it up first. It turned out to be a huge fiasco,  my husband and I didn't arrive home until after 9:00pm. Needless to say I was a little worn out! This evening had not gone as planned.
As I walked through the door I headed to the kitchen to wash the tire dirt and grime from my hands. As I began to scrub, my tired gaze was focused out our kitchen window and all of the sudden I had the biggest smile I'd had all day.  I noticed the corn stalk on the window sill had begun to have what appeared to be the first signs of kernels! It was huge! Just the other day I had seen nothing but a tiny stalk. (I know you are thinking I must have been delirious) It just so happens that I am originally from Indiana and I love corn! That was not my only reason for such great excitement! Flashing through my mind was how this corn stalk in my kitchen started from a tiny seeding in a tiny plastic container, that my son proudly brought home at the beginning of this second grade school year, and how we had taken great care of it together. With much anticipation of its growth we can't wait to plant it outside and watch it multiply!

That is how we at NBA help our customers grow! We often start with one relationship, maybe a high interest checking account that has endless growth and potential. Before you know it we are here for your first car loan and after that a home loan. My point today is that all along your journey with NBA we will be here to care for you and help you grow.


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