Friday, June 15, 2012

Bring on Summmmmmmer!

Summer is almost here.  Frankly it feels as though it's been here for quite a while already! I'm referring to our extreme temperatures here in Central Arkansas.  Wow, is it already this HOT?
It seems like our Spring skipped us, going from our mild Winter straight to Summer. I must confess, Summer is not my favorite season.  Sure, I love a good pool or lake day, but 73 degrees all year would be just fine with me. However, I will tell you some of the things I do enjoy about Summer. 
Even in late May, you can hear parents and children all a "buzz" about where they are going on vacation.  There are kids getting to enjoy camps, such as Beginning Basketball or Fashion Jewelry camp, like my niece Macie attended this week. Everyone shows off their tan in their newest, casual sandals and shades.  I see people riding by with their convertible tops down and their music up.  My birthday is also during the Summer, that doesn't hurt either. 

Over at our Pershing and Main St. location in North Little Rock, they are showing their favorite things about Summer as well.  Gretchen would love to invite you to stop by and let her know your favorite thing about this time a year.  Also, be on the look out for our popcicle and lemonade Fridays during these hot months!

See you at the pool,

P.S. Don't forget Summer also means we are 6 months from Christmas.   It's a great time to open a Christmas club account to save those $$$$!

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